
Sunday, October 5, 2014


Thank you to everyone who came to say hello and find out more about the War Memorial Project on the recent open day at the church and at the Museum of Liverpool - the image on the left is my stand at the Museum WW1 family history day.

For those who couldn't make it, here's a bit of an update on how things are going:

The research of the men of the St James's  war memorial continues; I am waiting to receive some copies of birth and marriage certificates to fill in some dates and have recently been contacted by relative of another one of the men.

I will be going in to some Liverpool schools to share the story of the memorial and produce some work with the children about the memorial and remembrance day.

The recent open days have raised £175 for the memorial fund and forms are almost complete for a grant from the War Memorials Trust.

This week I have been ascertaining the legal status of the memorial, as I believe it was stolen from the church before 1985 (when the church was listed) the memorial itself is not a part of the listed building.  Because the church has been returned to the diocese, we will need a faculty for installing the memorial in it's original place, not listed building consent. With these preliminary enquiries out of the way I can now complete the application forms for the grant.
