
Monday, April 16, 2012

Sgt Hugh Stanhope Elliott 240091

Hugh Stanhope Elliott

There was only one Hugh S Elliott in the CWGC database and he was in the King's (Liverpool) Regiment so I am confident that it is the right man.

Born 12th January 1892 in Liverpool and baptised 10th April of the same year, the baptism record (below) shows that his parents were John and Elizabeth of Adelaide Road and John's occupation was plumber.
Adelaide Road was in the Kensington area of Liverpool.

bapptism record Source:
In the 1901 census (below) Hugh was 9 years old and living with his parents and 6 brothers and sisters at 36 Alfred Street. His father is a Plumber and working on his own account. It is interesting to note that 2 doors down is a Master Plumber who is an employer.

Alfred Street was very close to St James' Church, in the area that is now the Anglican Cathedral and student housing.
1901 census Source:
In the 1911 census (below) the family were living at 16 Streatham Avenue, Hugh was an apprentice plumber, persumably with his father who was working as a 'hot water engineer'
1911 census Source:

This medal card for Hugh S Elliott shows that he was in the Territorial Force of the 6th Battalion The King's Liverpool Regiment with the regimental numbers 1181 and 240091. He held the rank of Private, then Sergeant. He was eligible for the British War Medal, the Victory Medal and the 1915 Star.
The card also shows that the 'Theatre of War first served in' was France from 24/2/1915 and it bears the remark 'deceased' but no date.

The CWGC certificate for Hugh shows that he was in B company of the 1st/6th Battalion, The King's (Liverpool Regiment) (The Liverpool Rifles)and he died on
20th September 1917 aged 27. (He was actually 25)

His entry in UK Soldiers Died in the Great War 1914-1919 gives the following details:

Hugh Stanhope Elliott
Birth Place:
Death Date:
20 Sep 1917
Death Location:
France & Flanders
Enlistment Location:
King's (Liverpool Regiment)
6th Battalion
Type of Casualty:
Killed in action
Theatre of War:
Western European Theatre

The War Diary for the 1/6th Battalion:
VLAMERTINGHE, Old British Front Line
20/9/17 (Z day)
165 Brigade attack Germen line from 100 S of KANSAS CROSS to a point 100 E of WATEREND HOUSE with 9th KLR & 7 KLR to take first objective & 6th KLR and 5th KLR to take GREEN LINE - zero hour 5:40am the 9th & 6th KLR became heavily involved in the fight for HILL 35 which was finally captured after a stiff fight, the 6th consolidating strong points on HILL 35 including LENS. Major Gordon & Capt Phillips wounded while reorganising the line for further advance. Capt Eastwood, 2 Lt N.R. Phillips, 2 Lt Spratt were killed on Hill 35. 2 Lt Wallington & all No 1 Platoon of 'A'Coy were killed in a gallant attempt to capture a strongpoint to the South of Hill 35. The 1/5 Loyal North Lancs & the 1/5 South Lancs having come up to reinforce HILL 37 was captured by them and the survivors of the Battalion. Towards dusk a strong enemy counter attack on Hill 37 was beaten off with heavy casualties to the enemy. 

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