
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Private James Llewellin 4386, 53831,

There were only 2 results for James Llewellin on the CWGC, one was from Bristol and the other from Liverpool.
There were several possible James Llewellins on the Liverpool census records and I am indebted to Kathy Donaldson for supplying the information that helped me identify the correct family.
James Llewellin was born inLiverpool on 12th April 1891.
He was baptised on 17th May 1891 in The Parish Church of St Peter. His parents were John and Ellen Llewellin of Lowndes St and John was a carter.
(source, parish records
The 1891 census was taken before James's birth but it shows that his family lived at 12A Lowndes St and on census night John and Ellen Llewellin were home with their 2 sons John W and Stephen. Also at their house were Ellen's sister (Amy Kenyon) nephew (Ephrahim Kenyon) and mother (Catherine Kenyon).
1901 census records show that John Llewellin had died and Ellen was a widow and working as a charwoman. She was living (on census night at least) with her widowed mother Catherine Kenyon (laundress) and Ellen's children John Henry (aged 15 and working as a railway clerk) Steven (aged 13) James (aged 9) and Benjamin (aged 7). They were living at 27 Beamish St.
Ellen Llewellin died in 1906.
The 1911 census shows that James and his brothers were taken in by family.
John (aged 25) and James (aged 20) were at the house of their widowed aunt Elizabeth Henning (formerly Elizabeth Kenyon, sister to Ellen) John was a boiler-maker labourer and James a shoe-maker. Also on the census return are their cousins, including Elizabeth Ann Henning aged 24 and a pickle packer who married John Llewellin in 1913. They were living at 10 Hampton Street.
Steven Llewellin (aged 23 and a range and grate fitter) was enumerated at the house of his uncle William Henry Llewellin (poulterer) - brother to John Llewellin. They were living at 10 Admiral Street.
Benjamin Llewellin (aged 18 and a shop boy in a drapers) was living at the house of his uncle and aunt William and Rebecca Kenyon. They lived at 30 Lawler St, Litherland.
I haven't found any service records for James Llewellin and his medal card (below) doesn't have much information on it. It shows that  he was in the Royal Welsh Fusiliers as a private with the regimental numbers 4386 and 53831.
(image source

UK Soldiers Died in the Great War 1914-1919

James Llewellin
Birth Place:
Death Date:
26 Feb 1917
Death Location:
France & Flanders
Enlistment Location:
Royal Welsh Fusiliers
1st Battalion
Type of Casualty:
Killed in action
Theatre of War:
Western European Theatre
Formerly 35175, Liverpool Regiment.
This gives us some more information, we can see that James was in the 1st Battalion of the R.W.F. and that he was formerly in the Liverpool Regiment with a third regimental number. He was killed in France and Flanders on 26th February 1917.

His family placed the following notices in the Liverpool Echo on 30th July 1917:

LLEWELLIN - reported missing February 26 1917, now officially reported killed in action, Private James Llewellin R.W.F. third son of the late John and Ellen Llewellin, of Dingle. Sadly missed by his brother and sister-in-law John & Lizzie also Aunt Lizzie and all at 44 Wesley-street, also brother Ben somewhere in France.

LLEWELLIN - Private James Llewellin R.W.F. third son of the late John and Ellen Llewellin, (sadly missed by brothers Ben and Steve, also by sister-in-law Maggie.)
He nobly rose to his country's call;
He gave his life, his best of all.

The battalion war diary for the day (see below) shows that 5 men were missing after the action on 26th February 1917, his family had to wait almost 5 months for confirmation of his death. 

James Llewellin has no known grave and his name is inscribed on the Thiepval Memorial, France.

click here to see the CWGC database entry for James Llewellin


Here is the War Diary of the 1st Battalion Royal Welsh Fusiliers for the day that James was killed:

12:15 a.m.  Orders received by telephone from 91st Brigade that our Artillery would bombard PUISIEUX from 2a.m. to 6.20a.m. and that patrols were to be pushed out close to barrage and then go through the village at 6.20 a.m. and establish posts on the northern side.
B, C, and D coys ordered to send 3 patrols each and 2/borders to push patrols on N of SERRE ROAD
12:40 a.m. Brigade Order confirmed
1.17 a.m. message from D coy that touch had been gained with 8 N Staffs in RHINE TRENCH
8 a.m. Battalion came under orders of G.O.C. 22nd Infantry Brigade who now took over the line.
10am message from 2nd Lieut Mills (D Coy) that his patrol was held up by a strong point at about L 19.d.50.50 (this was afterwards proved to be about 200yds of this point and off the SEREE ROAD)
10.10 a.m. D Coy reported that patrols of 2/borders were retiring. They did not start till 8 a.m. )/C D Coy ordered to advance his line to RHINE TRENCH from L.19.c.30.30 to junction of PENDANT TRENCH and RHINE TRENCH.
C Coy to withdraw to SEREE dugouts
11.30 a.m. report forn C Coy that there were 4 machine guns in SUNSET TRENCH        
12 noon information from brigade that 62nd Division on the right had occupied GUDGEON TRENCH and ORCHARD ALLEY
12.10 p.m. A Coy ordered to take up position in SUNSET TRENCH from (map ref) and to throw back the left flank to KAISER LANE but to consult with O/C BCoy before moving
1 p.m. Orders received to attack SUNSET TRENCH from (map ref) to SEREE ROAD then to work along SOAP ALLEY and to push patrols through PUISIEUX
2.40 p.m. Message from S.C. detailing officer and 30 men 2/H.A.C. to report to HQrs 1st R.W.F. to carry stokes mortar ammunition. These never arrived.
3.30 p.m. Battn H.Qrs moved to A Coy’s old Hd Qrs in SEREE
3.40 p.m. Orders issued A Coy had already been sent to take up position (see 10/26)
situation 62nd division gained GUDGEON TRENCH – this afterwards proved wrong
               19th division in BOX WOOD  with patrols in ROSSIGHOL TRENCH
B Coy on the right ordered to occupy KAISER LANE and to support A Coy making a defensive flank (map ref)
D Coy to advance at the same time on the left and capture KAISER LANE
C Coy to pass through and capture SUNSET TRENCH from (map ref) to SEREE ROAD (inclusive) and to bomb along SOAP ALLEY
2 sections bombers under 2nd Lieut KESTERTON were to move alone SEREE ROAD and to attack the strong point in flank
2/borders were in close support in WING TRENCH when the attack was launched.
Advance to commence at 4.45pm
4.40 p.m. Enemy put up a terrific barrage of 5.9 along WING TRENCH from its junction with PENDANT TRENCH and thence S.E.
6.20 p.m. D Coy 2/Borders came under orders of I.C. 1st R.W. Fus
6.25 p.m. C Coy ordered to reinforce D Coy
6.35 p.m. message from C Coy that they had reinforced D Coy and that enemy was using gas shells
6.50 p.m. messge received that D Coy had gained objective. C Coy were going through them. Enemy shelling heavily.
7.10 p.m. Message from C Coy that they had captured objective and strong point
8.55 p.m. 2/Borders ordered to push up patrols through KAISER LANE and then through the village
9.15 p.m. Message to 2nd Borders to send up bombs, whole attack held up.
9.45 p.m. C coy working down SOAP ALLEY not much resistance
10.20 p.m. message from 2 Borders that 40 boxes of bombs were being sent up
11.10 p.m. verbal message that A Coy were “in”
11.15 p.m. B Coy gained objective. All objectives had now been taken.
11.35 p.m. 19th Div ordered to send patrols into the Northern part of the village but they did not do so.
Casualties – 10 killed, 30 wounded, 8 died of wounds, 4 missing.
Reinforcements – 2 from hospital, 2/Lt BLUCK from 2nd Bn, 5 from Base
Fighting continued throughout the following day then the company were relieved.
A sign of how bad a time they had of it – this list is from the following day 27th Feb
T/Capt A W ANSCOMBE M.C.         – wounded
2/Lieut F McKAY                                - wounded (died of wounds 28-2-17)
2/Lieut S SASSOON                           - struck off
T/Capt E.G. HAWES                           -      "      "  (Medical board)
T/Lieut J.R.P. ADAMS                        - wounded (shell shock)
2/Lt C.E. MONTGOMERIE                -        "  but remained at duty
2/Lt A.M. SYRETT                             -         " (shell shock) but remained at duty
O ranks – 11 killed, 22 wounded, 5missing, 2 died of wounds reinforcements – NIL

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