
Monday, September 3, 2012

Private Richard H Jaques 22427

There was only one Richard H Jaques on the CWGC database and his parents' names matched those on a 1911 Liverpool census return. He had the unusual middle name of Harkness so his records are easy to identify.


(photo courtesy of an public tree)

Richard H Jaques was born in Cumberland in 1890. He was the son of Isaac and Elizabeth Jaques. His father was a seaman.

Richard was the youngest of 6 children.  His father died not long after Richard was born and on the 1891 census Richard was living with his mother and 5 siblings at 77 Upper Hill Street.

In the 1901 census, Richard's mother was still head of the household at 77 Upper Hill Street. Richard, and three of his siblings were with her. One of his sisters had moved to the Isle of Man.

Richard's mother died in 1910.

The 1911 census shows Richard, aged 20 working as a grocer's assistant and living in Liverpool with his brother Isaac (a marine engineer fitter) his sister Eleanor and a cousin from his mother's side Annie Lancaster (managaress of a tobacconists) Their address was 77 Upper  Hill Street, Liverpool.


On 13th November 1914 in Liverpool Richard Harkness Jaques enlisted as a private in the 20th Service Battalion of the King's Liverpool Regiment for 3 years or the duration of the war. His regimental number was 22427.
His medical form shows that he was 24 years old, 5 feet 5 and 1/4 inches tall and weighed 130lbs. His complexion was fresh, his hair dark brown and his eyes brown.
His physical development was 'good' and he gave his trade as Clerk and religion as Church of England.
It was noted that he had a scar on the inside of his right leg.

Richard's service record shows that he was at home for the period 13.11.14 - 6.11.16
(home meant in England,  not literally at home)
He was in France from 7.11.15 - 30.7.16

The following notes have been made on his service record:

To Trench mortar course  23.2.16
rejoined ex school of mortars   2.3.16
attached to 89 I.B. as 894 T.M Battery 
Joined Trench mortar battery  23.6.16
attached 89/1 Trench Mortar Battery
authy HQ Sq 1B SCA 1497
wounded in action  8.7.1916
killed in action 30.7.1916

His next of kin was his sister Sarah Jane Jaques of 77 Upper Hill Street, Princes Park, Liverpool.

His family were listed as:
brothers (full blood) William Jaques - age 37 - Adelaide, Australia
                                  Henry Jaques - age 37 - Adelaide, Australia
                                  Isaac Jaques - 35 - 77 Upper Hill Street, Liverpool
sisters (full blood)    Sarah Jane Jaques - 39 - 77 Upper Hill Street, Liverpool
                                 Eleanor Jaques - 33 - 77 Upper Hill Street, Liverpool

Richard's effects (letters, photographs and cards) were sent to Sarah Jane with a note advising that they were the joint property of all Richard's siblings.

Richard's medal card (below) shows that he was awarded the Victory Medal and British War Medal.

UK Soldiers Died in the Great War 1914-1919

Richard Harkness Jaques
Birth Place:
Workington, Cumberland
Death Date:
30 Jul 1916
Death Location:
France & Flanders
Enlistment Location:
King's (Liverpool Regiment)
20th Battalion
Type of Casualty:
Killed in action
Theatre of War:
Western European Theatre

KLR Database
The following images are from the Devereux Database, Museum of Liverpool.

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