
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Thank you

Thank you to everyone who came to our WW1 Family History Day on Saturday, the turnout was excellent and we were kept busy for the whole three hours.
I hope I've managed to say "Thank you" to everyone who was involved in the day, it went very well for a first time!
Graham Seaman has shared his photographs of the day here on Flickr if you have a good photo of the day please share it on our facebook page

The Rev Neil Short of St James Church and his volunteers who ran the refreshments stand did a great job and all the donations that were given for refreshments have started off our fundraising for restoring the memorial, £104 was raised which is 1% of our target already!

A few people have asked me recently if that's the end of the project, now that the WW1 day is done... it's not over yet people!  The project has three parts :

The Research part of the project is continuing, there are still two men to find and plenty of information to collect on the other 60.

We have been Remembering the men through this blog, attending family history events, having their names added to the Town Hall, and visiting schools. As the centenary of the First World War brings more attention to the legacy of the war I hope to make more visits in to schools, attend more WW1 history days and with the funding from the HLF I will be setting up a few new projects with schools, improving the website and also, with my friends from the LFWWRC, set up some workshops and talks about the First World War.

The Restoration of the memorial will cost about £10,000 so this part will require a lot of fundraising but the ultimate outcome for this part of the project will of course be the rededication of the memorial in St James Church.

If you would like more information about any of the activities mentioned, please contact Amanda

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